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Park Designer & Manager: Deborah Nagler

Deborah Nagler is a doctoral candidate in Educational Technology Leadership at New Jersey City University. She currently serves at an Instructional Designer/Course Manager for the Hebrew Union College and an Educational Technology Instructor at Gratz College.


Nagler has spent much of her career working in Jewish religious education as an Administrator, Principal, Trainer, and Teacher.As the Executive Director of the Jewish Education Association (JEA) from 1999-2005, she spear-headed the development of training and mentoring programs for area special needs educators, the creation of a community Special Education library, and the expansion of the JEA's special needs Sunday School program.


In November 2014, Nagler presented at the International Inclusion and Special Education in New York.



"Every classroom can benefit from the application of UDL prinicples because there is no such thing as one size fits all for learners - no two people are alike."

                                                           Deborah Nagler 


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